The Three Sisters Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4

Irina: Masha, what's the matter? Don't cry—you're so silly. (Almost in tears.) You'll make me start. (1.91)

Crying is contagious for these sisters. How's that for a comment on being ladylike?

Quote #5

Olga: (Coming into the living room.) Well, if it isn't Natalya Ivanovna. How are you, my sweet? (They exchange kisses.)

Chekhov makes gentle fun of women's tendency to be very, very friendly to women they don't like.

Quote #6

Vershinin: You're a strange, wonderful woman. Strange and wonderful. I can see your eyes shining in the dark. (2.44)

Vershinin is attracted by Masha's mystery and contradictions. There's another sweeping generalization of femininity for you.