The Three Sisters Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7

Natasha: Oh I know what you think—I'm just his mother—but it's more than that, believe you me. He's an extraordinary child. (2.38)

Natasha is the only mother in the play—and isn't portrayed very sympathetically. Of course it's not just her seeing her only child as the most amazing baby in the entire world.

Quote #8

Olga: (Taking a dress out of the closet) Nana, take that gray one…and that one too…and the blouse too…and take this skirt, Nana. (3.2)

In her industry, after the fire, Olga is a model of feminine strength. Being giving may be a stereotype of women, but Olga's charity outstrips them all.

Quote #9

Natasha: (To Irina): Sweetie, that belt doesn't do a thing for you. Not a thing. You need something more stylish, something with a little color in it… (4.148)

Natasha clearly hasn't forgotten Irina's slight about her belt, even though it happened many, many years prior. Now in possession of the house, she feels powerful and superior, decreeing bad fashion sense for all.