- When Evil reveals the Most Fabulous Object in the World, Kevin knows that it's a trap. It looks just like the kitchen appliances on the game show his parents watch...complete with his parents enticing them all on.
- The dwarves don't listen and instead dash with great speed toward their doom.
- Evil takes the map from Randall's hands and imprisons them all in a large iron cage suspended over a black abyss.
- Kevin looks through his photos and realizes that one of the photos has a very clear image of the map.
- There is a gigantic hole in the universe just below.
- Our heroes get to work escaping, and they free themselves in short order.
- Finally free, they decide to get going, but Kevin points out that if they leave the map with Evil, he will destroy the world.
- Evil is indeed a man with a plan: he waxes rhapsodic on his grand plan for creation while the gang figures out what to do next.
- Og successfully grabs the map, but Evil catches him during his escape and transforms him into a pig-headed man.
- Kevin has a plan: he and Og will distract Evil while the others go find help to defeat him.
- Like all great villains, Evil just can't help but monologue.
- At Kevin's goading, Evil destroys all of his own minions and then uses the distraction to take back the map.
- Evil is just about to destroy Kevin when Strutter appears with a bevy of knights.
- The other dwarves appear with cowboys, Greek archers, a rocket ship armed with a laser, and Randall piloting a tank.