Time Bandits Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Time Bandits.

Quote #1

WALLY: Where are we?

RANDALL: I don't know.

WALLY: Well, look at the map.

RANDALL: It's not on the map.

Kevin's bedroom is apparently a very special place if it's on the map or on the path of the map's route. In retrospect, it's most likely the case that God has given the dwarves a little push toward someone who could help them.

Quote #2

RANDALL: We made trees and shrubs. We helped make all this.

KEVIN: Whew! That's not bad.

RANDALL: Yeah. But did we get a thimbleful of credit for it? No! All we got was the sack. Just for creating the Pink Bunkadoo.

KEVIN: Pink Bunkadoo?

RANDALL: Yeah. Beautiful tree, that was. Og designed it. Six hundred feet high, bright red, and smelled terrible.

We're not sure where that Pink Bunkadoo is, but wherever it is, it's not in this reality—we can tell you that much. This conversation also suggests that creativity spawns its own version of reality.

Quote #3

EVIL: If I were creating the world, I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, 8 o'clock, day one!

Evil's reality certainly feels different from ours…or does it? Our obsession with gadgets and technology hasn't made us any happier. In fact, we might be a lot closer to Evil's reality than we'd like to think—something the movie pretty clearly warns us about.