Timescape Analysis

Literary Devices in Timescape

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


To consider the setting of Timescape, we'll have to consider the past and the future, or perhaps more accurately, the once-upon-a-future of 1998.1998Welcome to 1998, or as our younger selves though...

Narrator Point of View

Timescape uses a third-person limited omniscient narrative technique, but it does so in an unrestrained way. Now, that may sound like a paradox, but if reading this novel has taught us anything, it...


Timescape is science fiction, but the science in that genre title is a little more realistic than what you might expect. When you think science fiction, you might think a story set in a galaxy far...


The tone of the Timescape is that of your regular, average Joe with a two notable exceptions. The first exception is that Benford strives to capture the different dialects between his British chara...

Writing Style

As we mentioned in the "Tone" section, Benford's style is like he took all the things he loved about science and popular literature, put them in a blender, and pushed the puree button. It's delicio...

What's Up With the Title?

First, let's get the obvious out of the way. Timescape is a coinage—that is, a newly created word. Basically, Gregory Benford took such words as landscape, seascape, and townscape and modified a...

What's Up With the Epigraph?

Absolute, true, and mathematical time, of itself and from its own nature, flows equably without relation to anything external.—Newton For us believing physicists the distinction between past...

What's Up With the Ending?

The ending of Timescape really centers on a question: Given these exciting new developments in science, can mankind change for the better? And the answer is mostly yes. Emphasis on the mostly.In 19...


Perhaps it is better to say that Timescape starts out at base camp but then allows its readers to decide what path is right for them. You can take the easygoing scenic route and take in the sights...

Plot Analysis

If I Could Put Time in a Bottle1998The first stage, the exposition stage, explains to the readers all those tidbits about the world, conflict, and characters that we'll need to know to actually fig...

Booker's Seven Basic Plots Analysis

A young hero or heroine falls under the shadow of the dark power.To understand how Timescape falls within Booker's rebirth plot, we're going to have to perform some remodeling on how we traditional...

Three-Act Plot Analysis

1998Act I, a.k.a. the setup or exposition, provides us with all the information we need to read the story and understand it. Think: who, what, where, when, and why—with the occasional how thrown...


Timescape is such a big deal in the sci-fi world that Simon and Schuster—who printed Timescape—named a publishing imprint after it. Though the imprint folded in 1984, check the back of your fav...

Steaminess Rating

Steaminess is certainly present in Timescape, although it is tempered to a PG-13, made-for-primetime-television coolness. Sex and sexually charged situations such as adultery and premarital hanky p...