Timescape Themes

Timescape Themes


Timescape is sci-fi, so—surprise—science is kind of a big deal in it. Absent are the scientists of so much science fiction, though, with their white lab coats, chiseled chins, and haphazard exp...


Timescape presents scientists as they really are, and this means looking at life outside the laboratory. Popular imagination might view scientists as eating, breathing, and sleeping in their labs,...


We've been told the truth is out there, and Timescape seems to agree. This book suggests an absolute truth exists, but it also questions whether people can ever reach it. From our limited perspecti...


When you think anti-science, you probably think of endeavors like magic and alchemy. But in Timescape, the anti-scientific force is politics. Politicians make shortsighted decisions based on limite...


Bet you saw this coming. You can't have a time travelling novel without time showing up in the themes section, can you? In Timescape, the theme of time represents human knowledge of the universe an...

Man and the Natural World

For many of us, we go through our lives not paying nature much mind, since thanks to science, we generally have nature under our control. Thing is, though, this sense of control is totally an illus...

Language and Communication

You'd think communication would be a no-brainer of a subject for Timescape to tackle. You send a message into the past, someone reads it, and that someone changes the future. Done and done, and tim...


Simply put, Timescape has one underlining question to ask in regards to this theme: Is change possible? Like so many other themes in the novel, the initial answer seems to be duh, but then things s...