Timescape Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Timescape? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who says, "But wait! Think of all these times being in a kind of loop. Cause and effect mean nothing in this loop. There are only events"?

Doc Brown
Catherine Wickham
Q. Who makes the claim that the messages from Gordon and Cooper's experiment could be a "signal from a distant civilization"?

Isaac Lakin
Saul Shriffer
Albert Cooper
The History Channel
Q. Who says, "Good. I suppose that is all anyone can expect. It was an interesting experiment. […] I suppose I half-believed it could be done, you know"?

Johnny Mnemonic
Q. Who says, "Jee-sus, 'get the wrong idea.' That's a Harry Highschool phrase. That's where you're stuck, Gordon"?

Blaine Anderson
Q. Who says, "Yes. We have to finish the NSF proposal this week. We can feature the spontaneous resonance material. I can write it up from the notebooks, in such a way that we can use the same manuscript for a paper to Physical Review Letters"?

Isaac Lakin
Albert Cooper
Gordon Bernstein
Professor Farnsworth