The Tin Drum Memory and Guilt Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Take the whole thing, run back to Gerresheim, […] take my gift to the police station on Furstenwall, turn me in, and tomorrow you'll find your name printed in every newspaper." (45.72)

Oskar decides to encourage Vittlar to turn him in for the murder of Sister Dorothea, a murder he didn't commit. This occurs just after Oskar sees two men arresting someone for defending the Polish Post Office many years earlier, a man Oskar recognizes from that day in 1939. Oskar rescues the man by magically drumming up the Polish cavalry. So why does Oskar choose this time to confess to a crime? Maybe he thinks that he's finally atoned for what he did at the Post Office and is now ready to pack it in.