The Tin Drum Vanity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Not until several dozen drums had already been stored in the cellar did the idée fixe seize me that some museum might eventually find my disabled drums of interest (17.7).

Why does Oskar save all of the old tin drums he's used up? Well it turns out that he thinks that someday museums might want to get hold of his drums to display them for future generations. How's that for presumption? Maybe there's a Scrap Metal Museum in Poland.

Quote #5

They'll admire you, may even make you their leader. You can exercise your influence, sharpened by long experience; answer your calling now, gather disciples and follow in the footsteps of Christ (20.43).

Even when Oskar meets the Dusters, a large bunch of threatening young men who are terrorizing the city and destroying property, he knows without a doubt he'll be their leader. Vanity or delusions of grandeur?

Quote #6

Because I didn't like the sound of the phrase close up shop, and because I had no intention of allowing these brats to patronize me with their deadlines, after about thirty-five seconds Oskar declared, "I am Jesus." (29.38)

Ignore that last question. It's delusions of grandeur. We know that Oskar doesn't actually think he's Jesus. He just thinks he's as awesome as Jesus.