Trifles Resources


The International Susan Glaspell Society

This organization is dedicated to making the world recognize the might of the almighty Glaspell.

Project Gutenberg

Click here for a free copy of the text. Gotta love that Gutenberg.

Provincetown Players

Want to check out pics of famous artists in funny bathing suits and get the history of the Ptown Players?


Trifles (2009)

Here's the most recent stab at taking the play to the big screen.

Trifles (1930)

Behold the oldest movie version that seems to exist.


Times Review

Check out this NY Times review of a recent experimental production by Theater of the Two-Headed Calf (yeah, that's their name).

Get Scholarly

Get smart and read this scholarly essay on Glaspell's part in murder mystery history.

Hot Debate

Click here for the controversy over NYU renovating Glaspell's old haunt, the Provincetown Playhouse.


Lego Version

Are you in the market for a no-budget Lego version of the play?

Hokey Old Movie

This film clip might feature some seriously hokey acting, but you do get a glimpse of what it might've been like when Hale first found Mrs. Wright.

Creepy Marionettes

Wondering how a party line telephone worked? These creepy marionettes will explain it all for you.


Too Lazy to Read?

Then just click here and listen to some so-so actors read it out loud.

A Jury of her Peers

Click here for the British accented audiobook of the short story version of the tale.


Oldschool Trifles

Here's a pic from one of the very first productions, which proves that men once had a different idea of eyebrow grooming.

Newschool Trifles

Oh, how the times have changed.

Young Glaspell

Some people just look right in faded black and white.

Younger Glaspell

We have a feeling some adult forced her to pose beside this ugly plant.

Glaspell Rocks a Typewriter

What if she's typing, "All work and no play makes Susan a dull girl"?