Tropic of Cancer Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'm dancing with every slut in the place. But we're telling them we're leaving in the morning. That's what I tell every c*** I grab hold of—leaving in the morning! (1.50)

Henry just gets more and more infuriating, doesn't he? He's making it super clear that these aren't relationships that will last. He's going to get these women in the sack and then leave. Although we're not told that the women want any attachment either.

Quote #5

How a man can wander about all day on an empty stomach, and even get an erection once in a while, is one of those mysteries which are all too easily explained (3.9)

This sentence pretty much sums up Henry's concerns: getting food and having sex. He's obviously grateful that not getting one doesn't mean not getting the other.

Quote #6

When [Germaine] lay there with her legs apart and moaning, even if she didn't moan that way for any and everybody, it was a good, it was proper show of feeling (3.13).

Deny it as he might, even Henry knows that prostitutes are performing. But he doesn't even care if she's faking it as long as it makes him feel good.