Tropic of Cancer Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

You don't know how palatable is a polluted woman, how a change of semen can make a woman bloom! (5.5)

This goes into the "don't do me any favors" category. Henry is commenting that having sex with a woman can really perk her up. Is he being ironic?

Quote #8

I find myself wondering what it feels like, during intercourse, to be a woman—whether the pleasure is keener, etc. Try to imagine something penetrating my groin, but have only a vague sensation of pain (6.18).

Whoa, what? Is Henry seeing himself in someone else's shoes? Mark the calendars! But, of course, rather than thinking about how prostitutes are degraded and put down, he thinks about what it's physically like to have sex as a woman.

Quote #9

His mind is now fixed on the "f***ing business" (7.18).

This sentence refers to Kepi, the Hindu man whose job it is to hook up clients with prostitutes. Of course, Henry doesn't mind taking a temporary job as a pimp, too. Does being involved with the process change the way he views it?