The Truth About Forever Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'd never really allowed myself to mourn, just jumped from shocked to fine-just-fine, skipping everything in between. (3.52)

Didn't Macy's mom think that was weird? That she never showed any sadness at all? Well, in case you hadn't notice, Macy's mom isn't coping too well herself.

Quote #5

More than our old house, or our Wildflower Ridge place, the beach shack was my dad. I knew if he was haunting any place, it would be there, and for that reason I'd stayed away. (3.85)

We're pretty sure Macy's not talking about ghosts here. (We mean, come on, her dad would totally be a Casper-type ghost if anything.) Instead, she's probably just trying to avoid the memories that come along with the beach house.

Quote #6

"You know what happens when someone dies? […] It's like, everything and everyone refracts, each person having a different reaction." (5.107)

Delia's trying to commiserate with Macy, but in Delia's family, the reactions to death were much more positive. Why do you think that was? What was different about their family?