Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 1 Quotes

Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 1 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"Mitch, you are one of the good ones," he says, admiring the briefcase. Then he hugs me. I feel his thin arms around my back. I am taller than he is, and when he holds me, I feel awkward, older, as if I were the parent and he were the child.

He asks if I will stay in touch and without hesitation I say, "Of course." (1.11-12)

This is Mitch and Morrie's first friend moment. We see Morrie's super loving nature kind of overwhelming Mitch, which kind of sets up their dynamic in which Morrie showers Mitch with sincere love and affection and Mitch doesn't really know how to respond. He learns over time, though… thanks to Morrie.

Quote 2

The last class of my old professor's life took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed its pink leaves. The class met on Tuesdays. It began after breakfast. The subject was The Meaning of Life. It was taught from experience. (1.1)

First sentence in the whole book, and boom: This whole story is going to be about learning. It's even given a classroom-like setting.