Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 15 Quotes

Tuesdays With Morrie Chapter 15 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Morrie Schwartz

Quote 4

"I know you think this is just about dying," he said, but it's like I keep telling you. When you learn how to die, you learn how to live." (15.37)

Here are some of Morrie's most famous words. He's been able to live a meaningful life with his illness, precisely because he knows that his days are numbered. It's like we said: The theme of living and existing is completely tied up with the theme of dying.

Quote 5

"Yes. Detaching myself. And this is important—not just for someone like me, who is dying, but for someone like you, who is perfectly healthy. Learn to detach." (15.27)

Here, Morrie is teaching by example again, being that human textbook. The lesson of detachment, he says, is as important to him as it is to Mitch. He's asking Mitch to look at him, use him as a learning tool to understand the importance of what he's teaching.