Family Quotes in Twilight

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #13

It was hard to decide what to wear. I doubted there were any etiquette books detailing how to dress when your vampire sweetheart takes you home to meet his vampire family. (15.88)

Bella tries to figure out what to wear to meet Edward's family. She wants them to approve of her (but not in the tasty morsel way).

Quote #14

[Edward to Bella:] "[Carlisle and Esme] are happy to see me happy. Actually, Esme wouldn't care if you had a third eye and webbed feet." (15.190)

Edward's family supports him and just wants him to be happy – Esme, the mother figure, is thrilled he finally has a girlfriend, and doesn't mind that Bella is of a different species.

Quote #15

[Edward to Bella:] "After you get rid of them" – he threw a dark glance in the Blacks' direction – "you still have to prepare Charlie to meet your new boyfriend." (17.17.2)

Edward wants to be introduced to Bella's dad, and he's insistent about it. He has already introduced Bella to his family, and he wants Bella to do the same for him. Why do you think this is? Does it makes their relationship seem more official? Or is it some other reason?