Family Quotes in Twilight

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #22

[Renée:] "I think that boy is in love with you," she accused, keeping her voice low.

[Bella:] "I think so, too," I confided.

[Renée:] "And how do you feel about him?" She only poorly concealed the raging curiosity in her voice.

I sighed, looked away. As much as I loved my mom, this was not a conversation I wanted to have with her. "I'm pretty crazy about him." There – that sounded like something a teenager with her first boyfriend might say. (24.118-121)

Though Edward is open with his family about the seriousness of his relationship with Bella, she is not so open with her family. Why is that? Does Bella think she's protecting her family by keeping her relationship a secret? Or protecting the Cullens? Or does she simply feel uncomfortable revealing so much about her private life?

Quote #23

[Edward to Bella:] He looked down while he answered. "I'm surprised. I thought Florida…and your mother…well, I thought that's what you would want." (24.152)

Edward is pleasantly surprised that Bella calls Forks her home. More and more, Edward rather than Renée seems to signify Bella's home.

Quote #24

[Bella to Edward:] "Look, that's not an issue either," I finally muttered; my voice was unconvincing as always when I lied. "Renée has always made the choices that work for her – she'd want me to do the same. And Charlie's resilient, he's used to being on his own. I can't take care of them forever. I have my own life to live." (24.217)

Bella is attempting to convince Edward to turn her into a vampire. She seems to be placing her relationship with Edward above her family. Has she thought this decision through? Can she continue to be a part of her family if she becomes a vampire? Or is she willing to give up her family entirely and join the Cullens?