How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
[Lev] knew he was a tithe from the time he was little. (1.3.41)
This is one of the main reasons Lev sees being unwound as a noble sacrifice, and Connor is running from it. Connor's parents keep it from him, but Lev is told from the time he can communicate, making it easier for him to adapt to and rationalize for himself.
Quote #2
And so, battling his own instinct for self-preservation, [Connor] races toward the kid in white who was so happily going to his own unwinding. (1.4.3)
Connor never quite understands why he tries to save Lev, and he's potentially sacrificing his own freedom by trying to do so. Why do you think Connor takes this risk?
Quote #3
It's no use trying to explain to this godless pair what tithing is all about. How giving one's self is the ultimate blessing. They'd never understand or care. (1.6.26)
A lot of the idea of making a sacrifice comes from Lev's religion. We never get the idea that Connor's parents are religious, which is another reason he sees it as offensive, whereas Lev and his family see it as a blessing.