Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Morality & Ethics Quotes
He knows AWOL Unwinds will not give up as long as there's an ounce of consciousness left in them. They are high on adrenaline, and often high on illegal substances as well. Nicotine, caffeine, or w...
Betrayal Quotes
They were going on a family vacation over Thanksgiving. One problem, though: There were only three tickets. (1.1.27)
Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes
"The fact is, 100 percent of you will still be alive, just in a divided state." (1.2.64)
Rules and Order Quotes
Connor knows his situation calls for justified caution—not just tonight, but for the next two years. Then once he turns eighteen, he's home free. (1.1.66)
Lies and Deceit Quotes
"Stop struggling—I've got a gun!" And Lev feels the kid poke him in the side. Lev knows it's not a gun—he knows it's just the kid's finger, but this is clearly an unstable individual and he doe...
Identity Quotes
He was never "Connor" to them. He was always "that Lassiter boy." (1.1.16)
Sacrifice Quotes
[Lev] knew he was a tithe from the time he was little. (1.3.41)
Religion Quotes
"You're special," his parents had always told him. "Your life will be to serve God, and mankind." (1.3.41)