Unwind Themes
Morality & Ethics
Abortion.We considered making that one word our entire introduction to this section, but figured we'd clarify just a bit. When was the last time you heard a political debate that didn't bring up ei...
Elvis Presley sang, "Don't be cruel, to a heart that's true." But what if that true, healthy heart could be donated to someone else? In the world of Unwind, society doesn't seem to have a problem h...
Life, Consciousness, and Existence
Would your kidney revolt against you if it came from your husband's mistress? If you had a uterus transplanted from your own mother, does that mean you'd give birth to your sister? There are all so...
Rules and Order
You know the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, the one that begins "We the People"? It promises to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the gene...
Lies and Deceit
If "liar, liar pants on fire" were true (it's not—it's a lie), in the world of Unwind we'd have a ton of people running around in their underwear. The Bill of Life might as well be called the Bil...
Lots of people encounter a career fair or talent assessment in high school, something to determine what career might best suit you—teacher, doctor, EMT, mime. But imagine going through the same a...
The average teenager makes pretty small sacrifices in the grand scheme of things. Unless you're being forced to participate in the Hunger Games, you may have had to go without a new iPhone or do ho...
The pro-life, pro-choice abortion debate is often divided down religious lines, with many people who consider themselves devoutly religious being pro-life, and others being pro-choice. Because of t...