How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I saw her hesitate, but the sight of my neck and what it offered proved too powerful. A hungry expression crossed her face, and her lips parted slightly, exposing the fangs she normally kept hidden while living among humans. (1.19)
For this first bite we hear about in the book, we expect it to be, well, painful… but it's anything but. There's a hardcore sensuality behind the vampire's bites, even if it is frowned upon in their world.
Quote #2
Feeling Lissa's emotions was one thing, but slipping into her was something we both despised. She saw it as an invasion of privacy, so I usually didn't tell her when it happened. Neither of us could control it. It was another effect of the bond, a bond neither of us fully understood. Legends existed about psychic links between guardians and their Moroi, but the stories had never mentioned anything like this. We fumbled through it as best we could. (2.8)
Even though they live in a different world, this is something even they can't understand. It's not typical for guardians and Morois to read each other's minds, yet Rose does it all the time when Lissa's emotions are peaked. At first it's just by accident, but before long, Rose learns to control the mind-hopping.
Quote #3
I felt like someone had shot me. Sharp and biting, terror exploded in my body and in my head. Small razors of pain. My vision blurred, and for a moment, I wasn't standing there. I was running down a flight of stairs, scared and desperate, needing to get out of there, needing to find… me. (7.51)
When a dead fox is placed on Lissa's pillow, Rose senses it; here, she describes the supernatural moment she begins to slip into Lissa's head. We'd also like to point out how Rose forgets who she is when jumping into her friend's emotions—it's so powerful, she can't get a grip on her own reality.