Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings.
Suffering Quotes
On the third day of rain they had killed so many crabs inside the house that Pelayo had to cross his drenched courtyard and throw them into the sea, because the newborn child had a temperature all...
The Supernatural Quotes
Frightened by that nightmare, Pelayo ran to get Elisenda, his wife, who was putting compresses on the sick child, and he took her to the rear of the courtyard. (2)
Old Age Quotes
He had to go very close to see that it was an old man, a very old man, lying face down in the mud, who, in spite of his tremendous efforts, couldn't get up, impeded by his enormous wings. (1)
Foreignness & 'The Other' Quotes
They looked at him so long and so closely that Pelayo and Elisenda very soon overcame their surprise and in the end found him familiar. Then they dared speak to him, and he answered in an incompreh...
Religion Quotes
And yet, they called in a neighbor woman who knew everything about life and death to see him, and all she needed was one look to show them their mistake. (2)