The View from Saturday Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I ran down the bus steps and hooked my arm through Julian's and began walking rapidly toward the school. Julian hardly had time to react before we were at the gate. I held onto Julian, blocking him from Michael Froelich. ("Ethan Explains the B and B Inn".66)

Even when Ethan's not ready to be friends with Julian, he acts like a friend. If it walks like a friend and acts like a friend—well, maybe it really is a friend.

Quote #5

"What is the difference between a pig sty and the sixth grade?" I asked.

Julian said, "I don't know. What is the difference?"

"In a pig sty an ass is a ham."

Julian quietly said thank you, and no one asked why. ("Ethan Explains the B and B Inn".195-198)

Like a lot of other things in this novel, Ethan's offer of friendship is secret. Julian know that, even though Ham wrote "I am a ass" on Julian's bag, the real jerk has always been Ham.

Quote #6

We rested our elbows on the table's edge and reached toward the center of the table until our hands clutched. "We are now The Souls," Nadia said. When we released our hands, each of us was holding a shiny new penny. ("Ethan Explains the B and B Inn".245)

Oh, come on. We can buy Julian slipping pennies into one or even two people's hands—but all three of them? That's some seriously hinky magic going on.