The View from Saturday Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Souls listened and were not embarrassed to hear, and I was not embarrassed to say, "I would like to live over the day of our first tea party. And, look," I added, "every Saturday since, I get to do just that." ("Ethan Explains the B and B Inn".259)

This is kinda interesting. Each of the other Souls picks a day that's important for his or her own identity, that has been a meaningful moment in his or her life. Only Ethan selects the one day when they all cemented their friendship.

Quote #8

For reasons we had not spoken of, yet each of us understood, none of us was ready to reveal our association. ("Julian Narrates When Ginger Played Annie's Sandy".89)

The Souls are a self-contained unit. Later, when they're playing for Epiphany as an official team, they'll get recognition without even trying. At this point in the story, though, their friendship is more precious because it's a secret.

Quote #9

Suddenly Nadia Diamondstein thrust her left leg straight out into the aisle. Noah Gershom, who was three seats in back of her, stuck out his right leg. Ethan Potter saw and raised his right arm in the air. As if on cue, Julian Singh raised his left fist. For a moment above and below eye level, all four limbs stuck out, and then, just as quickly, all four disappeared. It was quite a balancing act. (6.27)

Here, The Souls show their friendship and their support for Mrs. Olinski by mimicking the shape of Julian's monkey statue. Like the statue, they support and balance each other.