Walter Benjamin's Social Media
Shmoop eavesdrops on your favorite critic's online convos.
Hey, Walt, I love the pix you posted on FB—especially all the ones of you in archives buried nose-high in books. But why so glum? Lotta people like to post photos on FB that make themselves out to be having more fun than they really are. You confuse me. Why bother having a FB page at all?
I'm gonna step in here. Susan, I'm with you, but I have to defend Walter. He's always just had that sort of faraway look in his eyes. It's part of his whole deep-in-thought mystical image. It's all good.
Look, I get the self-important intellectual gaze into the middle distance—Lord knows I rarely smile in my pictures, but you just look depressed. Maybe it's time to drag yourself out of the Bibliotheque Nationale and take a much-needed vacation.
I think a nice woman with a good sense of humor and a bit of whimsy would do wonders for you. Did you see the pix I posted of me partying on Montparnasse? That one's a framer.

First, spare me the dating advice. A marriage gone south, a torrid affair with a sculptor. All I can say is: Dames is trouble. And anyway, I've enjoyed solitude since my youth. Sure, I liked to walk the streets of Berlin with Mom. But once I discovered the pleasures of the solitary stroller, the flâneur, I recognized that there was much more to be gotten out of a solo walk. As for your framing remark: Just when photography has enabled us to escape the oppressions of the artistic aura, you have to go to Aaron Brothers' Frame Shop and make a big deal about a photograph.
Well, I think photography is innately aggressive.

Thanks, Susan, we know that. I thought we were discussing my melancholic state? Have you seen my Tumblr site of all of the sad, isolated people walking the streets of Paris? The rag picker? The prostitute? I see sad people.
Doing a shout out for my new play—thinking of titling it Happy End. @WalterBenjamin: Do you think people will get the irony? You know, the whole life is miserable thing?
likes this.

Berty: you know I like pretty much everything you do—as long as you show the bourgeoisie for what they really are!
You know I'm always down with that. Have I ever disappointed?

No—and most importantly, you don't sacrifice good writing just to spout the party line.
So glad we have each other—we're a real dream team.

I'm enthusiastic, too, but would it hurt for you to get a little more on board with my whole "aura" thing?
I am just not as much of a mystic as you are.
I'm not "glum," Susan. That's my face. I don't mock your silly, pretentious grey streak.