War Horse Chapter 19 Quotes

War Horse Chapter 19 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

Albert was always with me, and so I was never afraid of the guns anymore. (19.2)

Whereas Joey gave courage to Trooper Warren by paying attention and compensating for his faults as a rider, Albert gives courage to Joey because he is an extremely experienced rider; the two work together perfectly.

Quote 5

"There's thousands of our horses out here in France, sir. War veterans, they are." (19.20)

Sergeant Thunder's sentiments echo those of the Germans, who gave Joey and Topthorn a medal of honor. Though we're not sure if Thunder's horses-as-vets idea quite sank in… when was the last time you honored a horse on Veterans Day? Veterinarians Day, maybe.

Quote 6

Since David's death, Albert had not been himself. I had not once seen him smile or joke, and he often fell into prolonged brooding silences when he was with me. (19.7)

Albert has to deal with loss as well. In fact, he and Joey deal with loss in remarkably similar ways, don't you think?