War Horse Chapter 5 Quotes

War Horse Chapter 5 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

Albert, his face and his voice, stayed clear in my mind despite the unerring routine of the work that was turning me imperceptibly into an army horse. (5.14)

Although Joey never thinks of his mother again—not what she looked like or the sound of her neigh—he remembers every detail of Albert while he is at war. What gives? Why is he more connected to Albert than to his mother?

Quote 5

Stubbs never had a horse as beautiful as you to paint. (5.4)

Captain Nicholls's admiration for Joey extends into the realm of art. He hopes to paint a picture that captures Joey's essence so that others might admire him, too. Hey, isn't that kind of what Morpurgo is doing with War Horse?