War Horse Chapter 5 Quotes

War Horse Chapter 5 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

"If [Joey's] to be a cavalry horse, sir, he'll have to learn to accept the disciplines." (5.10)

Joey, like a soldier, has to commit himself to a bit of basic training to be an effective part of the war. If he could, he would probably salute.

"Come to think if it, we have a lot in common, you and I." (5.5)

While on leave, Captain Nicholls tells the ladies what he has in common with a horse. But seriously, folks, out of all the soldiers Joey could have been paired with, Nicholls is the best. Strong but sensitive—he's a perfect match for Joey.

Quote 3

[Topthorn] was the first horse I had ever come across that I felt could challenge me for strength, but there was also a kindness in his eye that held no threat for me. (5.18)

Where Zoey was old and kind, Topthorn is young, vigorous, and strong. Horses love to work, so it's only natural that Joey would be attracted to some friendly competition.