Watchmen Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter in Roman Numerals.Page #.Panel #) or if the excerpt is from an interstitial section, then: (Chapter A-K.Page #)

Quote #4

“Jon, be one person again! […] Were you working in here at the same time as we were in bed? (III.4.5 - III.5.5).

In relationships, people can be two-faced. In Watchmen, they can even be three-faced and three-bodied, as long as we’re talking about Dr. Manhattan.

Quote #5

As I lie I hear her shouting at me in 1963; sobbing in 1966. My fingers open. The photograph is falling” (IV.11.9).

If Dr. Manhattan has almost unlimited power, why does he lie to Janey Slater?

Quote #6

“Down those stairs! I knew he had something hidden back there from his attitude” (VIII.24.5).

Perhaps Dan Dreiberg (Nite Owl 2.0) also keeps things hidden away in his subconscious.