The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I knew he deserved whatever happened [...] because he was being a bad influence on me. Nazi Parachutes Attack America and Get Shot Down over the Flint River by Captain Byron Watson and his Flamethrower of Death looked like a real cool movie for me to make too. If Momma just gave Byron some stupid punishment, then maybe it would be worth it for me to flush some Nazis down the drain myself. But if you got set on fire for doing it the movie wasn't worth making. (5.46)

Like brother, like brother? Maybe Momma takes Byron's actions so seriously because she's worried he might be passing his foolishness on to Kenny.

Quote #2

"So, Joetta, don't you see how Momma has to help Byron understand how dangerous and painful fire can be? Don't you see we've tried everything and nothing seems to get through that rock head of his?" (5.57)

Um… WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Do you think Byron deserves to be burned for playing with matches? Is this the right way to teach Byron a lesson?

Quote #3

I knew now why he'd been so excited and happy when he found out about getting "free food" at Mitchell's. By was signing up for stuff that Momma and Dad didn't even know about! (6.58)

Foolishness has a lot to do with not thinking ahead. This food isn't really free; Momma and Dad will have to pay for all of it eventually, and we're guessing they won't be too happy with the bill Byron has run up.