The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Rufus might as well have tied me to a tree and said, "Ready, aim, fire!" I felt like someone had pulled all my teeth out with a pair of rusty pliers. I wanted to knock on his door and tell him, "I am different," but I was too embarrassed so I walked the dinosaurs back home. (3.111)

We knew Kenny was perceptive, but wow. That description of how awful guilt feels is right on the money. Think back to a time you felt ashamed. How would you describe that feeling?

Quote #2

It was real embarrassing but tears just exploded out of my face and even though I knew she was going to be disappointed in me I told Momma how I'd hurt Rufus's feelings. (3.117)

Often when we do something we're ashamed of, we feel compelled to tell someone else about it—like Kenny does here. Why do you think Kenny spills the beans to Momma?

Quote #3

Leave it to Daddy Cool to kill a bird, then give it a funeral. Leave it to Daddy Cool to torture human kids at school all day long and never have his conscience bother him but to feel sorry for a stupid little grayish brown bird. (6.82)

What do you think triggers Byron's sense of guilt here?