The Wave Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Well, I think The Grapevine still should have a story reporting that it exists, at least," Carl said. "I mean, a lot of kids are wondering what it is." (9.47)

In Germany, the Nazis had complete control over the media. They controlled not only the news, but popular media like film and books (books deemed unacceptable by the Nazis were burned in mass bonfires). Luckily, during Ben Ross' experiment-gone-wrong, the media remains free of the influence of The Wave.

Quote #5

"[…] I want you all to do something. Since we have a few days before the paper has to come out. Try to find out everything you can about what kids think of The Wave." (9.48)

Laurie suspects The Wave is bad, but she's trying to be a responsible journalist. She knows that they need to investigate before they can give the public the truth about what's going on.

Quote #6

"The problem is that it's not real, Laurie. […] what do you think happens when he leaves it? The outside world doesn't know or care about The Wave. If Robert couldn't function in school before The Wave, he won't be able to function outside of school where The Wave doesn't exist." (9.65)

Laurie's mother seems to be a strong influence in Laurie's life. She is able to explain her feelings to Laurie without making Laurie feel stupid. That's pretty impressive, if we do say so.