Way of the Peaceful Warrior Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

As my travels neared their conclusion, I became even more desperate—compelled toward a final confrontation with the questions that rang out in my mind: "What is enlightenment? When will I find peace?" Socrates had spoken of these things, but at the time, I didn't have the ears to hear him. (7.114)

It appears you gotta make it all the way to the moment of enlightenment to get past your mind and its unhappiness. It seems like it might be easy to just shrug your shoulders and decide to stop worrying, but Socrates says again and again that it takes discipline to cultivate the attitude of happiness. It isn't until Dan gets through the gate (see the Symbols, Imagery, Allegory section for more) that he truly gets over his dissatisfaction.