West Side Story Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from West Side Story.

Quote #4

MARIA: Now you know.

ANITA: And you still don't know. He is one of them.

MARIA: No, Anita.


Important tip about prejudice. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter the color of the skin or the culture or the dress or the gender or the sexual orientation. What matters is the very simple concept: us vs. them.

Quote #5

ANITA: [to Maria] One of your own kind,
Stick to your own kind!

Anita fears that no good can come from Maria's romance with Tony. There's safety with sticking to your own group. Anita eventually accepts the relationship, but her fears are borne out.

Quote #6

MARIA: If Bernardo knew.

TONY: We'll let him know. I'm not one of 'em, Maria.

MARIA: But you are not one of us. And I am not one of you.

Love conquers all, it seems. Tony doesn't care about Maria's race. It's part of what makes him the hero. Maria's a little more realistic, though.