West Side Story Resources


The Official Website

The official website, in all its glory.

Rotten Tomatoes

The critics love it. In other news, the sun rises in the east.


If you need a bit of West Side magic, here's the Pinterest link.

Book or TV Adaptations

The Original Musical Play

There's not a lot of book or TV adaptations of this one – and let's be honest, the movie is kind of hard to top – but it was based on one of the most successful musicals of all time.

The Inspiration

Everything you always wanted to know about the Real Doomed Lovers of Verona.

Articles and Interviews

New York Times on New York Life

The paper of record liked the movie back in 1961.

Thumbs Up

Here's the usual helping of insight from the late, great king of the critics, Roger Ebert. He loves it, but he has some caveats.

50th Anniversary Interviews

Russ Tamblyn, Rita Moreno and George Chakiris reminisced for the film's 50th anniversary in 2011.

NPR Article

There's some serious dirt on how this movie—and the play before it—came together. If you're interested in the nitty gritty, NPR's got it.

Sondheim Vents

The lyricist sounds off on his own work. He hates it. He's wrong.

The Ernest Lehman Collection

West Side Story's screenwriter has his own collection down Longhorn way, and we've got the link.

Racism Deconstructed

An academic look at racist themes in West Side Story.


The Trailer

Here's the original trailer for the film.

Vintage Natalie

Ms. Wood talks about the role of her career.

The Cast

Russ Tamblyn, Rita Moreno and George Chakiris talk about their experience on the film in this interview from 2011.

Russ Speaks

Russ Tamblyn expounds upon all things Riff.

Best Supporting Actor

George Chakiris wins the Best Supporting Actor Oscar.

Best Supporting Actress

Another Oscar for the gang, this one for Rita Moreno. And seriously, how can you not love this woman after that speech?

Best Director

Wise and Robbins nail the1-2 punch at the Oscars.

Best Picture

Hey we can't include all those other wins without including the big one too!

Not Quite Vocals

It's an open secret that some members of the cast—notably Natalie Wood and Russ Tamblyn—had their voices dubbed for the singing parts. Here they are performing with their own voices.

Leonard Bernstein

We got a whole raft of Leonard Bernstein footage, watching the master conduct various folks through the songs.

Robert Wise Interview

Robert Wise talks West Side Story a couple of years after it came out.

Older and Wiser

Wise talks West Side Story much, much, much later.


Nixon Speaks (No, Not That Nixon)

A week after Marni Nixon died on July 24, 2016, Terry Gross re-broadcast a 2001 "Fresh Air" interview with Nixon and Rita Moreno (Anita) about what it was like to dub the voice of Natalie Wood, who btw wasn't aware that her entire singing performance would be dubbed. As you'll hear, she wasn't amused.

West Side Raps

It's not hard to update this material to the 21st century… or even the late 20th, as the case may be. Here's a quick who's who of mid-90s rap stars bringing a decidedly hip-hop feeling to "Gee, Officer Krupke."


The Poster

One of the original posters for the movie.

Another Poster

Another poster which, frankly, we love a lot more than the first.

Jerome and Natalie

The co-director works with his star.

You Talkin' to Me?

Riff and the boys, at the dance.

The Location

Someone hunted down one of the actual street locations for the film.

Jets Stretching

Before starting a gang war, it's important to properly warm up.

The Premiere

Here's a shot of the world premiere.

And the Winner Is…

Chakiris, Robbins, Wise, and Moreno with their hardware.