West Side Story Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from West Side Story.

Quote #7

MARIA: Make it not true, please make it not true!

Remember when we asked when each character lost their youth? This is Maria's moment: a horrible, inescapable fact that she can't wish away and that she just has to deal with. Her beloved killed her brother.

Quote #8

TONY: Doc, I'm in love!

DOC: And you're not frightened?

TONY: Should I be?

DOC: No. I'm frightened enough for the both of us.

Being old means knowing just how many ways the world can destroy you. Tony hasn't figured it out yet. Sadly, the learning curve's a trifle steep.

Quote #9

DOC: Why do you kids live like there's a war on?

It's a good question and it doesn't have an answer. Just more dead kids and shattered innocence that Doc couldn't prevent.