- Appropriately, the movie cuts to Harry and Sally having a rather illicit conversation over diner food.
- Harry's describing how he can sleep with a woman and then ditch her before the morning.
- For her part, Sally thinks that makes him "a human affront to all women."
- Harry's all—hey, they're not complaining. And he knows because they… [insert suggestive hand gesture].
- Sally calls him out—how does Harry know that the women he sleeps with aren't faking their—ahem—pleasure at his performance?
- Harry swears he would know if they were.
- Sally's skeptical. But instead of hashing it out, she opts for a demonstration…
- ...and fakes an orgasm in a diner full of people.
- Harry just sort of stares at her: you done yet?
- Sally grabs a bite of her pie, and the lady at the table next to them says, "I'll have what she's having."