When Harry Met Sally Resources

If you're as picky as Sally, we think these recipes might help.

For the skinny on Meg Ryan's life, check out Biography.com.

We don't know, but we do know that Billy Crystal's twitter is worth a gander.

The FanPop site for When Harry Met Sally has everything you fanboys and fangirls need.

In 2004, When Harry Met Sally was adapted for the stage in a production starring Alyson Hannigan and Luke Perry.
Articles and Interviews

Check out these two film and culture critics as they go head-to-head on the merits of When Harry Met Sally.

There were a ton of articles circulating in 2014 about the 25th anniversary of When Harry Met Sally, but this one is by far the most adorable.

Roger Ebert knows what's up.

It still holds up.

We don't know, but it sure sounds good in Harry's accent.

Fair warning: this is not exactly safe for work, if you catch our drift.

Baby fish mouth is sweeping the nation.

Imagine seeing this on the big screen while sitting down to watch… whatever else came out in 1989.

Reiner and Crystal have a boatload of fun reintroducing their old classic to a new screening audience.

Check out this old interview with Ephron, re-released in her memory upon her death.

In this recent interview, he talks about When Harry Met Sally, among many other things.

We're guessing Harry and Sally are pretty pumped that royalty showed up to their movie premiere.

Seriously, how adorable is this trio?

This poster practically screams 1989.