Where Things Come Back Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There I was, seventeen years old, and the first time my dad showed me the littlest bit of attention was when I least wanted him to. Didn't he know that all I felt like doing was fading into the background? Leaning against a wall and disappearing into it? (17.1) 

Hmm, maybe the summer of Gabriel's disappearance isn't the best time to start showing an interest in Cullen's college applications, huh? But his dad is probably just realizing that he needs to interact and cherish his sons while they're around; sometimes they're taken away from you without warning. 

Quote #8

My dad remained patient. He calmed her down. He watched her from all angles of the room. He brought her glasses of water with tiny blue pills. He looked at me the way one looks at you in a funeral home. The way you would look at someone who had just been given bad news. (17.30) 

It's clear that Gabriel's disappearance has brought Cullen's parents closer together, even though they're both more difficult to be around. At least his dad's realized that he can't work all the time now—he's got to be around to look out for his family. 

Quote #9

"You really do look just like him, ya know?" she asked me, staring at my face.

"Mom, please," I said. (17.75-76)

Now that she's missing Gabriel in her life, Cullen's mom is starting to look for her lost son everywhere. Since Cullen is the closest thing that she has to Gabriel, she latches onto him.