White Noise Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around White Noise? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Whom does Jack ask to examine the chemical properties of Dylar?

Willie Mink
His pharmacist
Winnie Richards
Q. What specific method does Dylar use to control the release of chemicals into people's brains?

A polymer membrane
Eukaryotic Protozoa
It reacts directly to people's levels of fear
Q. Where does Jack first discover Babette's bottle of Dylar tablets?

In the toilet tank
In the car's glove compartment
Beneath the radiator cover
Inside a larger pill bottle for aspirin
Q. What deal does Babette make with Willie Mink in order to get Dylar?

She trades him sex for drugs
She blackmails him
She promotes the drug at her posture classes
She agrees to let him test other new drugs on her
Q. Who ends up stealing the bottle of Dylar from underneath the radiator cover?

Orest Mercator