White Noise Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around White Noise? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The purpose of the drug Dylar is to numb a person's

Fear of death
Joint pain
Sense of smell
Q. To teach Jack a lesson about the difference between fiction and reality, Murray takes Jack to see

An average American supermarket
The Most Photographed Barn in America
His university class on Elvis Presley
Willie Mink
Q. By killing Willie Mink, Jack hopes to

Take control of his own death
Satisfy his sexual jealousy
Steal the money Willie has made from selling Dylar
Build a pillow fort in Willie's motel room
Q. Jack gets in an argument with his son Heinrich about common sense and reality when they're talking about

The supermarket
The Most Photographed Barn in America
Whether it's raining outside or not
Q. When Denise lectures Babette about the dangers of chewing gum, DeLillo is showing us

The difference between Heinrich and Denise
The effects of new media on children's knowledge
Denise's love of chewing gum
Gum's effects on dental health