Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins)’s Timeline and Summary

Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Eddie Valiant watches Roger act out a new Maroon cartoon. Valiant's not amused.
  • He is asked by Maroon himself to follow Roger's wife and see if she's cheating.
  • After a sultry dance number at Jessica Rabbit's nightclub, Eddie takes secret photos of Jessica in the act…the act of playing patty cake with Marvin Acme.
  • He shows Roger, who is distraught with grief.
  • The next day, Acme's dead, and Roger's the number one suspect.
  • Roger begs Eddie to help him. Eddie, feeling guilty for taking the photos, reluctantly agrees.
  • They uncover a plot to frame Roger and take over Toontown. But who dunnit?
  • With the help of Valiant's girlfriend, Dolores, Eddie uncovers a mysterious scheme by a local transit company.
  • Eddie learns that Marvin Acme planned on leaving Toontown to the Toons in his will, which is missing. He suspects Maroon set up Acme's murder.
  • Not quite. Maroon is shot while Eddie is interrogating him.
  • The mastermind turns out to be Judge Doom, who wants to wipe out Toontown and build a freeway.
  • In a showdown with Doom, Eddie lets his sense of humor shine to kill Doom's weasels with laughter. Literally.
  • Doom is revealed to be the Toon who killed Eddie's brother, and Eddie avenges his bro's death.
  • Eddie realizes the Roger had the will all along, written in invisible ink. Toontown is saved.