Why Don't You Dance? Love/Marriage/Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Go ahead," the man said. "It's my yard. You can dance if you want to." (83)

This is when things start to get a bit creepy between the man and the couple, particularly the girl. The older man turns on some records and wants the couple to dance while he (and the neighbors) watch. Makes you really wonder what he's getting out of this (and out of the whole encounter with the couple in general).

Quote #5

Arms about each other, their bodies pressed together, the boy and the girl moved up and down the driveway. They were dancing. And when the record was over, they did it again, and when that one ended, the boy said. "I'm drunk." (84)

The couple takes the older man up on his offer and dances, apparently very up-close and personal-like… until the boy is too drunk to continue. Oops.

Quote #6

He felt her breath on his neck.

"I hope you like your bed," he said. (93-94)

Once the boy is too drunk to continue dancing, the older man takes over as the young girl's partner. Apparently she doesn't mind the switch up too much since she gets close enough to breathe on his neck. He seems pretty into it, too, and again talks about the bed. Dude is really excited about her getting it. Hmm…