Wide Sargasso Sea Resources


Jean Rhys and Dominica

This site provides biographical detail on Jean Rhys, with special emphasis on the impact that the history and landscape of Dominica had on her work.

Critical Approaches to Wide Sargasso Sea

This site provides specific historical data relevant to the novel, as well as a summary of a few useful theoretical approaches.

Movies or TV Productions

Wide Sargasso Sea, 1993

The cover photo of a man burying his face in a woman's heaving bosom, not to mention the NC-17 rating for the unedited version, says it all.

Wide Sargasso Sea, 2006

A somewhat more modest adaptation made for British television.

Historical Documents

This site provides excellent historical background on the practice of obeah, including interesting eyewitness accounts and quotes from relevant legislative acts.


Jean Rhys

A famous photograph of Jean Rhys

Spanish Town, Jamaica 1820

Spanish Town roughly fifteen years before the events of the novel take place.