The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

So many things are sins, why? Another sin, to think that. However, happily, Sister Marie Augustine says thoughts are not sins, if they are driven away at once. You say Lord save me, I perish. I find it very comforting to know exactly what must be done. All the same, I did not pray so often after that and soon, hardly at all. I felt bolder, happier, more free. But not so safe. (I.2.5.3)

Again, Antoinette's religious education contains magical elements. "Lord save me, I perish" is Antoinette's abracadabra, the magical password that drives away her sins, but it also echoes Christophine's ominous mumbling in Quote #9.

Quote #5

Turning around she saw me and laughed loudly. "Your husban' he outside the door and he looked like he see zombi. Must be he tired of the sweet honeymoon too." (II.4.1.32)

By claiming that Rochester looks as if he's seen a zombie (i.e., Antoinette), Amélie suggests that zombies are not mythical creatures, but can refer to anyone who has undergone some traumatic event. In this way, Amélie demystifies the mystique –and the terror – a zombie generates by reducing the term to a casual insult.

Quote #6

I had reached the forest and you cannot mistake the forest. It is hostile […] Under the orange trees I noticed little bunches of flowers tied with grass. (II.4.3.2)

Lost in the forest, Rochester comes across an obeah offering, emphasizing obeah's close association with the land itself.