- This pattern repeats itself over the following days. The entire crew now respects Alex for his reading skills, especially because he's now teaching them how to read.
- One day, after Alex and Ivan get their daily bread, Alex proclaims that he wants to see the "dead man" (7.7). We think we can speak for everyone when we say "huh?"
- Turns out that this "dead man" is Vladimir Lenin, the former head of the USSR who died just days prior. Er, alrighty then.
- It's January in Moscow. That means it's super cold. Even worse, this bad weather is preventing food from reaching the city, practically starving its residents.
- As Alex, Ivan, and Kostia head home, they pass by a group of kids. That's when Alex notices a "small girl" (7.12) who has fallen to the ground in the middle of the square.
- Impulsively—and against his bros' wishes—Alex helps the girl up and brings her with them. She introduces herself as Anya.
- Peter isn't pleased with this, as girls aren't allowed in his gang. Still, dude's a big softie, so he relents—as long as Alex is the one who takes care of her.
- It's a big night, however. Tomorrow, they'll be heading south for better weather, and presumably, oodles more food. Oodles of noodles, even?