How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
People had been disappearing. Everyone knew that. And yet, when Alex […] found his whole family had been taken away […] he couldn't quite believe it. (1.1)
Can you imagine how scary this would be? Though he's only twelve years old, Alex must now face the prospect of living completely on his own. Frankly, we couldn't even make a grilled cheese sandwich when we were that age, so we don't know how he's going to manage it.
Quote #2
He had been secretly angry when they had made him move from the room he and Nadya shared […] so that Nadya could have it all to herself. (1.1)
Like most kids, Alex isn't always crazy about his family. Now that they're gone, however, he can't help but regret all those times when he let preteen angst get in the way of their relationship. In other words, consider this your daily reminder to tell your mom you love her.
Quote #3
"Do you see anyone coming with food for us and the child? Every step we take is that much closer to your cousin in Moscow." (2.39)
Alex overhears this conversation on the road to Moscow. While this might seem like a depressing quote, we think that it's actually quite moving because it shows how far people will go to protect their families. We just hope that these three made it to Moscow safely…