Witch and Wizard Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"My sister was a traitor to the New Order." He spoke slowly to drive home the point. "And… I… turned her… in." (44.5)

Byron Swain is so loyal to the New Order that he turned in his own sister. Uncool, Byron, way uncool.

Quote #5

Whit grabbed me in a bear hug that felt extraordinarily reassuring. "We're outta there! We're safe from her now!" (54.1)

We'd like to interrupt this chaos to point out a sweet moment between brother and sister. Aw.

Quote #6

"Okay," I said. "We have to find my mother and father. That's our mission," I stated very clearly. "Family first." (59.2)

Whit and Wisty have one priority after they're out of prison: to find their family. It's so instinctual they don't even have to think about it.