Witch and Wizard Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I wiped my damp palms on my jumpsuit. We were going to, like, "cross over" to the other side now, right? Wasn't that sort of like dying? (51.13)

While Whit's dead girlfriend, Celia, doesn't seem to freak him out, he's a wee bit nervous about going into the Underworld. Seems reasonable.

Quote #5

One of them loomed up and, with the most horrible, ravenous, yellow eyes, seemed to see me. And then I did something even more stupid: I stopped and screamed. (56.16-56.17)

Even after everything she's been through, Wisty is totally incapacitated by her fear of the Lost Ones. To be fair, they do eat human flesh. Gulp.

Quote #6

The deer-in-the-headlights awareness that something really, really bad's coming, but not being able to do anything about it, is probably the world's best (or should I say worst?) recipe for ultimate, deluxe, supersize terror. (83.1)

You know what also wants to eat Wisty's flesh? This huge pile of rats she's about to fall into. No wonder she's freaking out.