Witch and Wizard Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I had to admit: I felt like… I was a wizard. Like I had superpowers. Like I was guilty as charged by The One Who Judges. (86.12)

Whit has internalized the idea that being a wizard is bad. He only thinks that because Judge Unger says so, though.

Quote #8

"So, Whitford, what do you think of all this? Am I friend or foe—or a little of each? Are the important things in life black and white, or maybe a little gray?" (98.16)

At the beginning of the book, it seems clear that The One Who Is The One is a bad guy. By the end, though, things aren't quite as clear. To quote Facebook, it's complicated.

Quote #9

"We don't let anybody be heroes for more than one day, because it goes to their heads. Hero worship tends to corrupt." (99.25)

The rebel kids have an interesting idea that certain identities can be corrosive. It's okay to be a hero, but just for a day.